Sneaky Thief Xiao Ji works

Chapter 1673: Powerful Forces Invading


還是非常有信心的,不知道要怎麼個比法?”沈翔問道。“我來這凡武界也有一段時間了,我打聽過的你的事情,像你這樣的人還真是萬年難得一遇呀!我知道你肯定懂得演煉法,在比試的時候,演煉法往往能發揮到極致,這也相當於挑戰極限一樣。”範亞坤笑道。沈翔也讚同範亞坤的說法,他第一次使用演煉法的時候,因為迫在眉睫,所以一次就成功了,而以後因為不是在比賽,他使用演煉法都會失敗許多次。“為了增添點壓力,我覺得我們最好是..."Could it be that when anyone enters the Life Tree Grove and is discovered by this fellow, everything would be stripped bare" A hint of anger appeared on Shen Xiang's face. No wonder Eastern Moonnight was so vicious. Law Pearl!" Now, Shen Xiang is certain; it's definitely because of her Law Pearl that he achieved this."Ah! You really succeeded But I only gave you thirty Rule Pearls. It should take at least a hund...